The Frame Kit:
This is what the frame kit will look like.
You will need one set of 8" lengths and one set of 10" lengths.
Each set should cost about $6 (not the $10 indicated on the top)
You will also need piece of 8" x 10" plexiglass, and an 8" x10" piece of foamcore or matt board to use as a backing support. There are assembly instructions on the frame kits.
Downloading Instructions:
Instead of loading the image in your browser window, download it to your hard drive:
If you have a PC, Right-Click the link and select download to disk.
If you have a Mac, Hold-Click the link (hold for a second or so) and select download link to disk (Internet Explorer) or Save link as (Netscape).
Graphics Program Instructions:
The images are in the "jpg" format which can be opened by browsers, but in order to control the DPI (Dots Per Inch) of the image, it must be opened in a graphics program such as Adobe PhotoShop (which often comes bundled with computers/scanners) or via the following two shareware programs: ACDSee32 for the PC (click to download) or GraphicsConvertor 4.0.7 for the Mac (click to download)
The Certificates of Authenticity are in PDF format. Click here to download Acrobat Reader 5.0 for the PC or Mac.
Printing Instructions:
When you print out the images, please be certain that they are 5 inches in their longest dimension. Most of the images are 3.825 inches wide, though some are 3.33 inches. This is especially important with ACDSee32, which does not automatically keep the size settings embedded in the tiff file. When you are in the Print Setup dialog box, change the "Size" from "Fit to page" to "Specified Size," change the "Height" to 5 inches, change the "Rendering" to 850 dpi, the "Position" to the middle icon where the image is centered on the page, and lastly, unclick all of the checkboxes in "Show info" so the file information is not printed on the page.
Framing Instructions:
The image (printed on 8.5" x 11" paper and trimmed to 8" x 10") should be framed in a neilsen brand 8.5" x 11" precut black metal frame with no matt board. The Certificate of Authenicity will also need to be trimmed down to fit into the frame. The use of glass or plexiglass is at your discretion (glass scratches less, but breaks more easily and is heavier.)